Rye Primary School
Our students are exposed to a very broad range of opportunities at Rye Primary School. Within the curriculum our students have weekly exposure to Health and Physical Education, Visual Arts, Performing Arts and STEM with Specialist teachers.

Rye Primary School
Visual Arts
Our Visual Arts program provides students with opportunities to develop conceptual thinking and problem-solving skills within a range of different mediums across drawing, painting, printmaking, collage, sculpture, design, fibre art and clay modelling. The program aims to build children’s confidence in their own art ability and discover how art and design can have a positive impact on our lives, school, community, and world.
Along with art making, students learn about art appreciation through discussion and taking inspiration from various art styles and artists’ work. Students are given opportunities to express their ideas and encouraged to form responses to their own and other people’s artwork. They are also encouraged to reflect, monitor and plan their thinking and making as they develop a range of skills and techniques. Lessons provide an environment where imagination, experimentation, creativity, and self-expression can flourish.
Visual arts provides a platform for children to learn about different cultures and beliefs, both in Australia and Internationally. At Rye Primary School we are committed to understanding more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Culture. We strive to meaningfully and sensitively embed this it into the arts program and it is continuously explored and reflected upon.

Rye Primary School
Performing Arts
Our dynamic and rich Performing Arts program provides students with experiences from a range of Performing Arts disciplines including music, dance and drama.
Students create, make, respond, interpret and engage in music, drama and dance practices. They explore the fundamental elements of music including beat and rhythm, pitch and melody, tone, dynamics, form and texture.
Students learn songs and dances, play group games and activities that foster teamwork, self-confidence and creativity. Senior students are taught ukulele and beginner keyboard as well as reading graphic scores and traditional musical notation. They learn to work together as part of an ensemble in music, dance and drama.
Students are also invited to participate in a variety of community events where they are able to perform and showcase their learning.

Rye Primary School
Health and Physical Education
Health and Physical Education covers the strands of Personal, Social and Community Health and Movement and Physical Activity. Our lessons focus on developing confidence, strength and knowledge in the fundamentals of the body and movement. Students are engaged in high quality and meaningful activities that promote curiosity and fun.
Our Junior School program focuses on developing fundamental motor skills to enable students to participate in games and sport. Our middle and senior programs extend on these skills to develop game skills and team behaviours.
We compliment our Health and Physical Education program with school wide activities such as House Athletics, Swimming and Cross Country, a Perceptual Motor Program, Inter-school Gala Days (Year 3-6) and Lunchtime Sports Clubs.

Rye Primary School
At Rye Primary School, our STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) program encourages critical and creative thinking through the use of both digital and hands on lessons. We live in an age of constant advances in technology and our STEM sessions aim to develop skills to prepare students for success and to apply their problem-solving skills to real life scenarios.
Across the curriculum students develop key skills to support them to succeed, including critical thinking, creativity, problem solving, collaboration, communication, independent thinking, initiative and digital literacy. We cover the basic IT skills needed to use desktop computers and iPads effectively as well as operating some other devices such as digital microscopes and futuristic robots. The younger students get to experiment with coding by programming simple animated stories and solving puzzles while the older students extend these skills by attempting to develop their own original video games.
There are also opportunities for hands on learning in the form of exciting science experiments and experiences that help students get a better understanding of the natural world. Students engage in the scientific method, using a dynamic, open-ended process to investigate questions. They make observations from the world around them and ask questions, test their hypothesis, collect data, draw conclusions, and share their results.