Rye Primary School


At Rye Primary School we create classroom environments that promote voracious reading and writing by students who engage eagerly and who interact with others to share their passion and learning. 

Rye Primary School


At Rye Primary School we provide a reading education which supports children to form a love of reading. ​Each day we provide time for students to further develop their reading skills and strategies whilst building their reading stamina and passion for exploring quality literature. We support students’ interest, engagement and enjoyment with books and other texts that they read and view. ​ 

All classrooms have a class library so that students have easy access to a range of reading material. Students also visit our school library each week and choose books to read at home and to store in their individual book boxes. ​ 

The Reader’s Workshop is implemented daily and focuses directly on the achievement standards of the Victorian Curriculum. Our reading units directly align with our writing curriculum and students are immersed into the learning and discovery of various types of literature both traditional and digital. Reading tasks are student focused and aim to develop and build on the areas of oral language, comprehension, fluency, vocabulary and analysing, evaluating and responding to text. Making meaning is central to the teaching of reading.

Rye Primary School


At Rye Primary School we promote a passion for writing. ​

Our Writing Program provides the opportunity for students to write independently on topics and genres of their choice. Students engage in the process of writing from recording ideas and thoughts in their Writers Notebook, to planning, drafting, writing, editing and publishing their own writing. They share their published work with an audience and celebrate their achievements.​

The Writers Workshop it implemented daily and we explicitly teach the craft of writing through the use of mentor texts. Our program directly aligns with the achievement standards of the Victorian Curriculum and students conference weekly to measure their success and discuss future direction. Children also have opportunities to explore various modes of production, including utilising digital technologies. We encourage children to write for pleasure and to be authentic and purposeful.