Rye Primary School
Our inquiry studies are grounded in real-life contexts so that learning both makes sense and feels relevant to the lives of our students. Along with literacy and numeracy skills, the skills necessary to interact with others and to collaborate are integral in each unit.
Rye Primary School
Inquiry Learning
Student voice is sought before, during and after each learning unit. Students’ input is essential in ensuring that through inquiry they are able to answer their questions and so that they have agency to build on their individual understandings, skills and attitudes. Students are tuned into the concept in order to provoke curiosity and wonder. and teachers use their curriculum knowledge to prompt students to think widely. Students’ questions are categorised and class questions that link to the curriculum are formulated to guide the inquiry.
Opportunities are provided for the class to work together to find out and to research the concept to challenge what students already know. The content and ideas are frontloaded through reading and discussion so that students develop their knowledge and understanding. English and mathematics skills that will be required for working on the topic are explicitly taught. Students collaborate to sort out, by organising and presenting, the information they have gained through eg reports, graphs, videos, oral presentations, timelines etc. Then students go further to explore their own questions and opportunities are provided for group and independent investigations into aspects of the unit that are of interest.
Towards the end of the unit students are supported to make connections with prior learning and to commit to celebrate their learning through an authentic action, options of which have been discussed with students at the beginning and during the unit. Learning is shared with an audience and students reflect on their learning.